Purpose statement
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ART Purpose Statement
Last Modified: May 2014
Last Reviewed: March 2019
If you have any questions about the ART Purpose Statement please contact the ART Secretary at: secretary@bellringing.org
Our Mission
To improve the learning experience of all ringers.
Our Purpose
To develop and support the delivery, integrity, and standards in the teaching, instruction and education, of the art of change ringing. We will achieve this by:
- Developing and delivering instruction schemes for teaching.
- Having a system of accreditation for those that achieve and maintain the standards set.
- Setting and maintaining a clear set of standards for teachers.
- Working with other bodies where appropriate to achieve our goals.
- Developing and delivering a structured scheme for learning which recognises achievement.
- Providing support and facilities for new ringers to encourage and motivate.
- Having a code of practice for accredited teachers.
- Arranging seminars and learning opportunities for teachers.
- Provide continuous support and facilities to encourage teachers to develop the quality and quantity of their teaching activity.
- Develop the ability of teachers to work together to support group teaching and develop centres of excellence.
- Providing support and facilities for new ringers to encourage and motivate.
- Motivating and encouraging teachers to train and enthuse new ringers.
- Maintaining a SmART Ringer website for teachers and ringers including interactive learning.