When you submit a Ringer’s pass for a Learning the Ropes (LtR) Level or reommend a Teacher for accreditation you’ll come across a form that requires you to connect to that person. This makes a connection deep in the SmART Ringer database. How do you do this?
At the bottom of the form you must connect to the Ringer/Teacher/Assessor using the “Create connections” box. You can type into this box either:
- their SmART Ringer username (this is shown on SmART Ringer with an @ symbol in front of it)
or their name
In either case a list of names will appear below the “Create connections” box. You must select the name of the Ringer/Teacher/Assessor you are submitting (only one please per submission) and then click on the Submit button at the bottom of the form to complete the submission.