Safeguarding training is available via the Church of England who have developed a series of online courses and require all volunteers connected with the church to complete an appropriate level of training:
- ALL RINGERS are expected to take “Basic Awareness” (formerly C0) online training.
- RINGERS IN A ROLE WHICH INVOLVES WORK WITH CHILDREN, YOUNG PEOPLE OR ADULTS AT RISK are expected to take ‘Foundation’ (formerly C1) online training.
- Anyone regarded as having a ‘LOCAL LEADERSHIP’ role is expected to take ‘Leadership’ (formerly C2) training, which can be delivered virtually or in person. Each diocese will determine whether their tower captains have a local leadership role, based on guidance from their parishes and input from the local territorial ringing society or association.
More information is available on the CCCBR website or talk to your Parish Safeguarding Officer for advice.
For information about safeguarding training in none Church of England churches or outside the UK please seek advice from the Safeguarding Officer of the relevant governing body.