If your ringer has achieved a Learning the Ropes L3 or above, through either the method ringing or call changes route, you will be asked to submit a link to a bellboard performance as part of completing that level. To find this:
- go to bellboard: https://bellboard.uk/
- select ‘Search’ in the left hand menu
- This will bring up a search box where you can type in either the tower name or your ringer’s name, to find a list of performances
- Once you have this list, please click on the relevant performance
You then need to copy and paste the web address (URL) at the top of the page into the SmART Ringer. For example https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/view.php?id=1772100 (the id number at the end will vary)
So for example, if you are requesting a L3 certificate for a ringer, you will need to find a URL for a quarter peal they have rung on the treble to a doubles method, and a second URL for a quarter peal with them covering on the tenor.