Module 2C (Teaching from Rounds to Elementary Change Ringing) is an alternative to Module 2F and provides you with the skills and techniques necessary to teach from Rounds to basic change ringing (Plain Bob). The teaching ethos and techniques can easily be extended to more advanced methods after the course. It includes how to teach the foundation skills of ringing call changes, kaleidoscope ringing, covering and plain hunt
Module 2F (Teaching from Rounds to Plain Hunt) focuses on developing foundation skills, including how to teach call changes, kaleidoscope ringing, and different ways to introduce ringers to covering and plain hunt.
In either Module 2F or Module 2C you will learn the importance of approaching teaching in easy, understandable stages, the importance of using effective feedback, the theory of coaching and how to form a strong band.
Which Module is right for you depends on both you and your band. Module 2F is designed for those bands where the teaching is mainly concerned with bringing ringers on to learn call changes, plain hunt and covering and/or teachers who are not regular change ringers themselves.
This is reflected in the entry requirements. The minimum entry requirement for Module 2C is to have rung a quarter peal inside at Plain Bob Minor standard or above, recorded on Bellboard and an ability to comfortably ring up and down in peal. We ask that you have sufficiently good bell control to be able to inspire confidence in others and an ability to comfortably ring up and down to attend Module 2F.