As a rather aged lady, I was rather apprehensive that I was going out of my comfort zone, going on this course. I need not have worried – Clare made us feel very welcome, what ever level we were at. She explained everything very clearly and let us ask questions on the way.
The practical sessions proved quite challenging for even the more experienced ringers! Everyone was included and was able to have a go.
The theory sessions gave us all lots of ideas of how to approach and encourage new pupils as well as to include them in a band, and most of all make it fun for everyone. It made a very enjoyable experience and we were extremely well feed and watered regularly throughout the day.
Thank you Clare for travelling so far to come down and coach us, I am sure I can speak for everyone that we did all appreciate it.
On reflection, it seems a pity there were not any young people wanting to come along and learn – maybe one day.